”“Therefore thus says the Lord God: ‘Because you have forgotten Me and cast Me behind your back, Therefore you shall bear the penalty of your lewdness and your harlotry.’ ”“Ezekiel 23:35 NKJV
Okay . . . Basically, Ezekiel is communicating to the Judah arm of the Israelites that they are being punished because they continue to worship other gods and idols, committing harlotry, which is prostitution, and sacrificing their children to the foreign gods of the peoples they have played the harlot with. They prostitute themselves before their evil gods, practicing lewd and immoral behavior, burning their babies on altars, and other atrocities, rather than worshiping the one true God, Yahweh, who detests their behavior because it destroys and perverts His creation.
Nothing new under the sun, I say. Only what is happening now, is that even though Jesus has entered history since the time Ezekiel prophesied, and Christianity has become the main religion on the planet and other “gods” seemed to disappear for a time, evil seems to have found its way back into the mainstream of life on this planet. I wish I could be more lighthearted and encouraging. But there is a spiritual war raging all around us and evil seems to be getting more and more in our face. It is impossible to ignore.
Anyone who keeps up on the news sees what is happening. I am going to focus on the pro life issue. Especially considering what just happened in France which just passed a law making abortion a constitutional right! What? That is actually what has spurred this writing. When I was radically saved at the age of 35, the first thing that changed in my heart was my pro-choice position about abortion. Not for me, but whatever you want to do is fine. That was my position. Not anymore. Now I understand and know the truth that abortion kills a living, God-created human being who has the same right to life as everyone. Abortion is just another result of idol worship, worshipping other gods, thus turning their backs on the one true God. Someone who aborts their baby worships a god of convenience, a god of selfishness, and their idol is the world, success, money, themself. Certainly not the God of the universe who created us all, loves us and wants us to be in Heaven with Him. It hurts my heart and I want to shout to Heaven and say, “God, when will You come and rescue us and these precious babies from this evil?”
Did you know God has an answer to that questions? Well, it isn’t this question exactly. In the book of Revelation, the martyrs . . . Christians killed for their faith during the church age and also the Tribulation . . . Cry out to God: ”When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.“ Revelation 6:9-11 NKJV. It is not over yet, I know that. Christians and babies all over the world will continue to suffer and die for their faith and also the lack of faith of those who abort their babies. God help them. . . Give the persecuted courage, comfort the mothers who are misled by this adulterous culture into believing abortion is a right and normal. Comfort the souls of those tiny humans who never see life, but will be waiting in heaven. Yes, even the unborn have eternal souls . . . The same God-created, eternal souls as we all have. The unborn cannot make a choice for life, or decide whether to know God and His Son Jesus or not. But God knows and they are immediately taken into His loving arms for care and comfort.
”Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.“ Matthew 19:13-15 NKJV
”Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.“ Luke 17:1-2 NIV
Children are so precious to God. And that is why the evil one, Satan, is so set on destroying them. He is the father of lies and he feeds those lies to whoever will listen. Planned Parenthood calls the right to abortion “reproductive health.” Excuse me? Whose health? It should be “reproductive destruction.” It destroys a life, and it destroys the living, either completely through death, or partially through mental anguish, physical repercussions, and regret. Babies are precious. Let them live! 🙏🎚️
I still pray, “Lord Jesus, come soon!”
Whatever things are true, think on these things!
I think a deep dive into Eugenics, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood (what an interesting name since they are primarily a taxpayer funded abortion operation) and Nazis would be in order. Hitler's man Goebbls had Sanger's book on Eugenics in his personal library. He was Hitler's propaganda minister. Sanger's book was a foundation for the Nazi extermination of the Jews. Here in the States, Planned Parenthood offices have been primarily situated in predominantly black neighborhoods. Sanger believed that Blacks were subhuman, just like the Nazis believed Jews and others like the Gypsies were also subhuman.